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Group Project: Vivire 2018 Prom (Creativity)

January to March 3, 2018


2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


Investigation + Preparation


The Vivire 2018 prom was organized and hosted by the class of 2019 for the class of 2018. As a class we had to come up with the theme and date the seniors agree, and we concluded with an Oscar theme and put the event on the 3rd of March. Then we divided the class to different groups to work on. 


I was in the decorations group and the photography group. For decorations, we made sure we stick to the theme of Oscars and try to be as professional as we could while staying on budget. We thought having red carpets would really match with the theme and people would love to feel like celebrities and take their pictures with the red carpet. We also thought handing oscars would be a nice alternative to handing sashes. We also occasionally ask the seniors what they would prefer to have or not have in the prom. Later, we found out that we should also prepare senior gifts for every seniors. We wanted to make sure the senior gifts are presentable and meaningful so we thought of making a small wooden box with  a photo of their class, a photo of them, a DIY keychain, dry flowers and personal notes from juniors.



For materials and backdrop decorations, we divided to two groups, one going to Sampeng market and the other group going to Chaktuchak market. I was in the group that went to Sampeng and we found cloths for the back drop. The Chacktuchak group found cute heart shaped boxes for the senior gift. For the senior gifts, I helped out with finding each seniors nice looking individual photographs and print them in a glossy paper and cut them in a size that could fit in the box. I also helped with making the DIY keychains where I print them out and cover them with plastic sheets and cut them. For the personal letters, I created a google form where everyone can write to seniors. I also helped out with organizing and designing the senior gift boxes. Right before the prom night, we went to the hotel to complete the decorations and the backdrop. 


During the prom night, I was the main photographer. I took photos of people with the backdrop. I also took photos when the seniors walk on the red carpet to receive their oscars and when everyone is dancing. I uploaded the photos on a drive so everyone can get their pictures


Reflection + Demonstration


Although there were a lot of obstacles and difficulties in organizing and cooperating for the prom, in the end it was a nice experience and the process was memorable. We had to find alternatives and solutions to every big and small problem that has come up and it almost seemed like it never stopped. But because we work as a big team, we were able to help each other out to achieve our main goal to successfully organize a nice looking prom night which the seniors would enjoy. 


I learned the importance of collaborating with others and communication. In many cases we have to work with our peers and learn to trust them. We can take the opportunity to help each other not only to get work done but to learn and grow to be better people. I have also learned that because not everyone has the same ideas and opinions, it is crucial to understand about compromising and coming up with solutions that suits with the general. I really want to thank my friends and classmates to give me the opportunity to work with them and learn to make decisions together. 




Malaysian Channel  "ONFM" Travel Series Episode

Planning and Starring

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


My father works in a Malaysian online live broadcasting channel called ONFM. He asked me to make a plan for one episode of a travel series which will take place in Bangkok, and help star in the episode as well to be the guest.

I proceeded to start planning on which places to take the star of the series, Angie Tsai around for the episode. I thought about places that are significant for Thai people as well as for teenagers who wants to hangout with their friends. So I have decided to pick places such as temple, street shopping and night markets etc. I have also prepared some topics and scripts to talk about. 


During the filming day, I met with the crew and Angie along with a friend, Praewah. I had to be the one who guides Angie where to go in Bangkok, so I took her to places with Praewah. We started filming and talking about the location and the differences between our generations. I was only able to film first half of the episode. For the episode, I had to explain about why people go to these places and what do I usually do with friends. I only starred half of the episode because I did not have much time and I was not confident enough to be in the whole episode (i prefer working behind the scenes). 



Overall, although it was very tiring especially during the filming day I had a lot of fun starring in the series and learning more about Angie and how we are both similar and different in a variety of ways. Initially, we filmed in our school and showed how we spend time playing volleyball together, however all the video files in that scene were gone so be could not put that part into the episode. It was sad that we were not able to put my school in the episode but in the end the video turned out nice. If I had another opportunity, I would definitely do this again.


After filming there were some technical difficulties where some audio and video files are gone and the whole scene of a destination that we filmed together was lost. To compromise the lost scenes, we decided to fill in with an interview instead. So we interviewed Angie afterwards about her experience during her tour in Bangkok.



I learned to make organized plans by myself and make my own decisions. Although Im not the only one who worked on the whole project, there are major parts where I need to work alone with the addition of some guidance when I need the help. When starring  the episode, I was really nervous because it was my first time co-running a show where there's a huge audience. I did not think Im charismatic or interesting (or even pretty) enough to be in a show. Moreover I was worried about my cantonese speaking skills since I don't speak cantonese frequently anymore. During the period of filming I learned to be more confident despite my poor cantonese vocabulary and enunciation. It made me see clearly my weaknesses and drives me to strengthen and improve those weaknesses so I could be a better version of myself that Im proud of. 


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