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Annie's CAS Experiences

Hua Hin Service Trip: Mercy House and Rescue Paws (Services)

October 24, 2017


2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

7: Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions


In this trip we have decided to go visit Mercy House Pranburi, an orphanage, and Rescue Paws, an animal rescue center (mainly for dogs) in Hua hin. It was a fun experience not only spending some good time with the energetic children, but also with the lovely and curious dogs. 

In Mercy House we were divided to two groups: one arts and craft group and an activity group. I was in the activity group, we prepared some fun activities including charades, statues game, monkey in the middle and capture the flag. We all had tons of fun getting along with the children there. The most heart warming thing was that they prepared a song to sing to us called "Thank you" as an appreciation gift along with D.I.Y pins. And of course in the end we handed out all the donations we had for them. In this service activity I learned how to be more flexible and the skills to improvise in an unexpected or the change of situation, because we had other activities prepared and it doesn't seem to suit the children or it became a bit boring so we all thought of solution to solve the problem by thinking of other activities the children might enjoy and joining the activity to play with them so it will be more engaging.


In rescue paws, each of us was giving a puppy to take care of. My puppy was very energetic and curious, and I really enjoy taking care of her. We had to help the puppies take a bath and take out the ticks. Within the service, we also took the opportunity to spend some play time with the puppies. In this experience we were able to help out taking care of the dogs where the organization has found and sheltered. Hopefully they will find a forever loving home. 

Volleyball (Activity)

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

This year, the varsity volleyball team participated in the AISAA league and other tournaments bringing back a few trophies. Volleyball this year was indeed breath taking, but it wasn't easy as we all had to go through a lot of obstacles together from the beginning to the end. Although we had to improve our skills, our self doubt and mentality was a big challenge too. In the end, we were able to grow and improve together both skill wise and our motivations from staying together as a team and giving each other constant support and encouragement. One very important thing I learned this year as a team member is that communication is very very important, in order to mutually understand each other. Because volleyball is a team sport, cooperation is necessary which is where communication comes in. We will not be able to work with each other if there are no good communication. After series of mistakes and complications, I realized how important good communication is because it helps build trust from understanding each other. Overall, I am really proud of the team and grateful to be able to play with them this season. I hope we will continue to grow together next year.

December 24, 2017

Baandinthai Volunteer Center (Service)


5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

My friends and I have decided to go to help out with rebuilding a school in Ayutthaya after a flood that recently happened. This school is a local public school next to a temple in Ayutthaya and they were asking for volunteers to help out with the process of renovating the school for the children. I helped with scraping the old color of the walls and columns and then repaint them with new colors. The trip was pretty fun and I have met a lot of  new people during this trip who wanted to help out too. There were ice breakers where we get to know each other more. It is nice to see there are so many different people out there who are enthusiastic about the volunteer. Not only were we able to have fun together, we were able to help a school rebuild after a natural disaster. We help the local children to have a good environment for their education which is very important for their development.  

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Wells IB Art Exhibition Food Preparation (Creativity)

February 21, 2018

LO: 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

This year was the second year IB artists of the school hosted their IB art exhibition featuring their creative and talented arts. People were invited to come look and appreciate their hard work. There were live musical performances and food in the exhibition. My friends an I volunteered to help prepare some small sandwiches people could enjoy in the exhibition. First, we had to go to the supermarket to buy the ingredients in the right about while staying on budget. The sandwiches we made include lettuce, cheese, ham and tomato with variety of sauces. But we thought we would like to include vegetarian friendly sandwiches too so we substituted the ham with extra cheese and lettuce for some of the sandwiches. While making the sandwiches, we divided the work of washing cutting and assembling the sandwich. Then we added cute washy tapes on the toothpick that held the sandwich together, so the sandwich will look more presentable in an art exhibition. While preparing the food, I was worried that people might not like the sandwich we made. However, on the day of the exhibition people were complimenting that the sandwiches were really cute and delicious. It really made my day. Overall this experience helped me with improving my neat food preparation skills because I am not really a neat person, but this preparation encouraged me to be more careful and neat for people to eat.


Mar 7, 2018


1) 1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2) Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

This year I have decided to challenge myself to try a new sport, so I went for table tennis. I never took any lessons or practice on this sport before and especially going to a tournament. On the tournament day, I was really nervous because I could tell everyone there knows how to play table tennis and are definitely not beginners. With patience and courage I end up going through this challenge and played. Despite losing all the games, it felt nice to try something new and compete with people who had more experience than me. 



March 11, 2018


6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

5) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

There was a run in the Rama IX Park, it was a charity run for cancer patients. My friends and I signed up to be the volunteers in the run. My duty for this volunteer work is to help the runner to check in and offer snacks and drinks to the runners, including soy milk, bananas and ice pops. It was very fun to offer refreshments, especially the ice pops. Seeing the exhausted runners' faces lighten up with excitement of the cute ice pops waiting for them after a long run in a typical hot day in Thailand. We helped each other to pass and melt the frozen ice pops. By working together, we are able to quickly pass the refreshments to people without others having to wait too long in the line. 

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March 16, 2018

International Day Band Performance (Creativity)


1) Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2) Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Every year, there will be a big event in Wells International School which is International Day where we have booths and performances to celebrate and appreciate all kinds of cultures. Our band, FORECAST practiced and rehearsed together to perform on this big day. Initially there was a challenge of finding a drummer because we don't have one. Fortunately, we were able to find a really committed and enthusiastic drummer who is willing to join the band. Then we had to choose a song where everyone can play and agrees to play. Since we are interested in Japanese pop culture, we have decided to play a Japanese pop rock song called Silhouette by Kana Boon which is featured as an opening song for an anime called Naruto, which is another reason why we picked this song, because Naruto is a popular anime and we thought most people would be able to recognize the song. The song was also pretty upbeat so it really suits the energetic atmosphere of the event. Although we all have pretty different schedules and plans, we tried our best to match the days where we are all free to practice together in a studio. We had fun times practicing together and cooperating with each other, and dreaming about how cool we would look during the performance. Fortunately, after all the practice and anxiety, we were able to pass the audition to perform for the audition. However, we had to face another problem where our lead guitarist was not able to perform with us because he has tri-sport matches he had to attend to. As determined band members we tried to play without the lead guitar but it doesn't sound right. On the verge of giving up, I asked our music teacher Mr. Chi to help us out by playing the lead guitar, thankfully he agreed and I really appreciate the his willingness to help us out. In the end, we were able to perform on International Day. Although one member was missing, we were able to play to the end as a band. I am really thankful to perform with these people and my music teacher. Working with this band has been a pleasure and they were unforgettable memories. I am looking forward to perform with the band again soon.

Band Members (left to right):
Annie (Bassist), Mr. Chi (lead guitarist), Millita (rhythm guitarist and singer), Yuta (Drummer)
Original lead guitarist: Ryo

Dog Rescue Volunteer (Service)

April 6, 2018


2) Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3) Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6) Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

As a very enthusiastic dog lover and a dog parent, I have decided to organize a my dog service trip after hearing people needing some more service for their CAS. First I just simply went onto google search to find local dog shelters that would welcome volunteers to help for a day. After consulting with my friends and considerations, we have decided to go to Dog Rescue at Rayong. I emailed the shelter and ask for our permission to help volunteer. We also discussed about what we could do to help on that day. After that, I had to find the cheapest and safe transportation we can go by, because we want to stay on a high schooler budget. I went around to ask for people who wants to sign up and limited the space for only 15 people. After people have signed up I proceeded to book a van and a car that could take us to Rayong. However, when it was a week away from the trip, people were resigning and cancelling their sign up. I had to cancel a car booking and adjust some activities. Anther obstacle was on the day when we go to Rayong to Dog Rescue, the driver got lost and did not know where the dog shelter is and I as a bad navigator got as confused, and felt like we are in the middle of nowhere. My GPS was not working effectively as well. However, from the help of my friends and communication with the driver we were able to reach to our destination.

When we arrived to the Dogs Rescue, there were a lot of different sections of dogs. Ms. Theresa, the owner, introduced herself and the dogs in the shelter. She could remember and tell us each dogs story. All the stories were sad, but thankfully they were brought into this kind and warming shelter, and some even adopted to a loving home. It was very emotional when getting to know all their stories and how they fought to survive. We donated the dog food and bath products, and proceeded to start with volunteer work. 

During the volunteer, we were divided into two groups: the shower group and the lead training group. I was in the shower group, so I helped with the dogs taking a bath and clean their ears. If ticks were found we will pick them out. After the bath, we spent some time playing with the puppies. They were very adorable and energetic. We also had to pick up the dog poop and train some dogs. I was really happy to see these dogs enjoying their life and living in a better condition. As the day goes, my friends' allergic reaction on dogs got worst and eventually we had to leave earlier. So we bid our good byes to Ms. Theresa and the doggos, although it was difficult to leave them. Overall it was a fun trip and it was my first time organizing my own trip. There were a lot of obstacles here and there and we were able to get through them with patience and problem solving skills. I would definitely do something like this again.  

Sports Day (Activity)

March 28, 2018


1) Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5) Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively


I signed up for volleyball for sports day because I know how to play volleyball and hopefully with my and my teammates' skills we will be able to win other classes on sports day. We were able to work collaboratively to beat other teams. Because our game started after knowing we have lost other games, we knew we had to step up our game and try our best not to lose. In the end we did win the preliminary and finals for volleyball.



 After signing up to volunteer for dodgeball, I had to remember the skills we have learned for dodgeball in our previous PE classes. On the sports day, we worked together as a team to bring down the other teams. We also made plans and tactics how to win the games. Luckily our teamwork did pay off for dodgeball.


Graduation Rose Prepration (Creativity)

June 1, 2018



3) Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
5) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively



Since the senior class of 2018 is graduating, us the junior class of 2019 planned to organize rose orders to the seniors like every year as a tradition in Wells. We made forms and contacted a shop for roses. Props were bought to wrap and decorate the flowers. I helped with writing name cards and matching the orders with notes people have written. I also helped with some of the wrapping.


During the rose preparation, it was not that easy. There were a lot of problems that came up, such as mixing up all the notes and the names, arguing how to wrap the flowers so it seems presentable, and people who didn't show up to help. However, we learned to be patient and work together as a team to complete the roses before the graduation begins.

Basketball Friendly Tournament: (Activity)

June 3, 2018


2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I was invited with my friends to a basketball friendly tournament with University Alumni and students from other international schools. At first, I do not know how to play basketball so I wanted to try. My friends and a coach helped me to learn basketball. During the tournament I was able to pick up some skills I have learned and as a team we collaborated to make it a fun tournament. It was really fun, learning a sport I am not really good at and playing with experienced players. 

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Black Fabric

Temple Performance (Creativity)

Fuoguangshan Bangkok

January 19, 2018


1) Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I volunteered to participate in a new year event in the buddhist temple. We decided to perform a song called "Three Goods" to promote doing the three good things: say good things, do good things, and have a good mind. I was playing the guitar while the other members danced. We all were dressed in uniforms and sang together. Using my skills, I learned how to play the song by myself and we rehearsed together a few times. 

Wells International Day 

Video (Creativity)

LO: 1) Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

For the year 2018 Wells International Day, I have decided to create a highlight video of the annual big event in Wells, International Day. By using my skills in videography and video editing, I took as much clips of videos as I could for the event and then I used the application Final Cut Pro to edit the video. I also took the soundtrack from that I thought would compliment the atmosphere of the video. While taking videos, I make sure I took with different pan directions and scenes so the video would not look repetitive. Since I have not made a video of an event before, it was a challenge for me. However by using the individual skills I know I was able to learn to combine them and create something new. Personally, I feel really proud about  the video and I hope I could make more videos in the future with something more creative.

internatinal day 2018
Watch Now
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Football (Activity)


1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

Playing in the football team was initially difficult, because it was my first time playing competitive football in a school team. I am an amateur player compared to my teammates and the opponents. I had to depend on my knowledge of football from watching others play and my muscle memories of playing football for fun as a kid. But thanks to my teammates, my coach, and my determination I tried my best to contribute to the team. Since I was already running for fitness classes, I Tried to apply my running endurance in the sport because it is an important aspect of a football player. For other skills specific for football such as defending the ball, I always asked my experienced teammates and coach for advices and improvements I could make. Although in the end I did not become a professional football player, I had a lot of fun just enjoying the sport with my friends. Because football is a team sport, we really rely on communication and teamwork, whether you're on the field or not. Once I again I realize how important working collaboratively and trusting others is very important for building strong relationships.

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